Never in my adult life have I known a time when I trusted elected officials less than I do now. We don’t need elected officials. We need leaders. Jesus Christ taught leadership when He washed the feet of his disciples. And when he healed the sick, took care of the needy, and fed the hungry. But most of all, Christ taught leadership when he was tortured and died on the cross for our sins, the ultimate price in service to others. Jesus taught and inspired with His words, but it was his example that changed the world forever more.

True leaders are people who selflessly serve others and make decisions based on what is best for those they are responsible for and the greater good rather than their selfish interests.

Keith Touchberry, I have discovered, is a leader. He first served his country in the Marine Corps. He then devoted his life to serving the community in law enforcement. He serves his family and his friends, and most importantly to him, he serves God as a devoted Christian.

Keith Touchberry’s life has been devoted to serving, and to leadership. God has placed the desire in his heart to become the next Sheriff of Indian River County.

When we first met a few months ago, I had some tough questions for him. As a former law enforcement officer I wanted to know how he would solve problems, what he thought the problems were, and why, and I wanted to know what it would be like to work for him as a street cop. I have worked for some good leaders, and I have worked for many colossally poor ones. Before Keith was going to earn my vote, I wanted to make sure I would be serving my community by doing my part to elect the right candidate.

He took the hard questions well, and I was impressed by his philosophies on law enforcement, problem-solving, and most of all, serving the men and women on the street and in the jail that keep us safe. After more than one lengthy conversation I realized this man had no desire to be just an elected official, he was a true leader who not only had the capability, experience, and knowledge to be an outstanding Sheriff; but he explained that he was here to serve those in his charge and create a culture where the Sheriffs department in turn served the community the same way.

When I realized I was listening to him and wishing I was younger and could work under his leadership, I knew I had to get behind his efforts and share what I knew about him.

This episode is 1 hour and 7 minutes long and while that time is limited, I think you will come away, like I did, knowing this man well enough to want to support him in his bid for Sheriff.

Article was found @ https://goodladunscripted.com/2024/07/26/podcast-keith-touchberry-for-sheriff-and-this-is-why/